Biography Dr. Soetomo
Dr. Soetomo Soetomo was born with the real name Soebroto, on July 30, 1888 in the village of Ngepeh, East Java, Dutch East Indies. Dr. Soetomo attended School tot Opleding van Indische Artsen (STOVIA), an Indian medical school. During school Soetomo liked to discuss with his friends at school. During the visit of dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo to STOVIA, he gave a speech that focused on increasing the interest of young people to improve and advance the world of education as a way to free the nation's thinking from colonialism. One of the ways proposed by dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo is to form a Study Fon (Fund for Scholarships). This is one of the triggers for Dr. Soetomo to establish the Boedi Oetomo organization on May 20, 1908. Boedi Oetomo was the first modern organization in Indonesia. Tirto Koesumo was elected chairman of the first Boedi Oetomo based on the results of the first Boedi Oetomo congress which was held on 3-5 October 1908. Apart from Soetomo, in Boedi Oetomo he also join...